application flexibility!

the versa-dolSMsystem offers application flexibility with…
• easy container manipulation
• expanded pickup and delivery options
• enhanced logistical efficiencies
• reduced space requirements for deployment/equipment housing

Container location is easily manipulated with the versa-dolSM system. Less space is required to maneuver the road tractor and container into position for unloading or loading. If a typical trailer can be maneuvered into a location/position, the versa-dolSM system can virtually always place a container in or pick up a container from such a location.

Pickup and delivery options are expanded due to the versa-dolSM system’s minimal manpower and equipment (one operator/one self-contained system) requirements. Neither cranes, lifts nor additional personnel are required to load/unload a container at the origination or destination sites.

Logistical efficiencies are greatly enhanced with the elimination of the need for lifts, cranes, and chassis/trailers and additional personnel at origination and destination sites. Just as important is the ability to plan routes to minimize deadhead runs by mixing and matching multi-type (trailer or container) loads on the same route without returning to home base to drop or pick up a container carrier.

The versa-dolSM system requires approximately one half of the space utilized for a traditional deployment via a roll-back/tilt-back trailer like the Landoll® brand. The only space required for equipment housing when not in use is the space required to park the road tractor.

To see a "real life" scenario of cost savings and additional revenue opportunities, please see the Summary of Additional Benefits of Ownership

contact versa-dolsm

Versa-Dol Industries Inc
PO Box 467
Buford, GA 30515-0467
office: 770-861-1514
fax: 770-945-1479

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